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Friday, March 10, 2006

KPL - Kids Programming Langauge

Kid's Programming Language, KPL, is a programming language designed to make programming fun and exciting for kids. In fact, it was designed to make computer games. Well, not soley computer games, but it makes it easy to make games. If you think about it, kids would really enjoy programming a lot more if they were designing a game instead of a email client or something.

At first glance, it looks very simliar to Visual Basic, and for good reason. It was modeled after VB.NET. The IDE was also modeled after Visual Studio.NET. Now, for you .NET haters out there, please don't let that discourage you. Remember, this is a programming language for kids with the main objective of teaching young kids the basic concepts of a computer language.

Microsoft has started officially supporting and promoting KPL since September of 2005 and has since integrated it into it's Coding4Fun site on MSDN. Their site includes games, articles, and challeges.

For an example of a "Hello World!" application, you just need 5 lines of code:

Program HelloWorld
Method Main()
Print("Hello World!")
End Method
End Program

There is so much more you can do with KPL, but you can visit their site for a complete list of functions.


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